File I/O: Simple
Katie Rivard
gets the user's username, adds .txt to it, creates a file,
writes standard "hello world" string, reads it back.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int getusername();

char username[30];          /*global variables username and filename*/
char filename[30];

int let=getusername(), i=1, b=1;
char dotend[]=".txt";
/**/int n1=2;
char c, n2[10], n3[10];

FILE *iofp;

strcpy(filename, username);
strcat(filename, dotend);                         /*creates valid, appended filename*/

printf("Your filename is: %s\n", filename);

if((iofp=fopen(filename, "w+"))==NULL)          /*opens and checks file*/
     fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s!\n", filename);
     return 0;
     printf("File opened smoothly.\n");
     printf("File contains:\t");                         /*prints current contents of file*/
          c=fscanf(iofp, "%s", &n2);
          printf(" %s",n2);
          }while (c!=EOF);
printf("Printing \"Hello, world!\" to file...\n");

fprintf(iofp, "Hello, World!\n");                    /*prints "hello world"*/

fseek(iofp, 0, SEEK_SET);                              /*file pointer moved to beg of file*/
printf("File now contains:\t");
          c=fscanf(iofp, "%s", &n3);
          printf(" %s",n3);
          }while (c!=EOF);

return 0;

int getusername()               /*getusername(): recieves username from the keyboard, returns the last char/array cell used #*/
int i, endchar;
scanf("%s", &username);

for(i=0; i<30; i++)
     if (username[i]=='\0')
return endchar;