- Duncan, Carolyn. "One-thousand Volunteers Make a Difference ReLeafing the
Sammamish." Department of Natural Resources. 26 Oct 1998. http://dnr.metrokc.gov/dnradmin/press/sammreleaf.htm.
24 Feb 2000.
- L.C. Lee&Associates, et al. Riverine Ecosystem restoration. Seattle:
L. C. Lee & Associates, July 1999.
- "ReLeaf for Fish." Department of Natural Resources. 16 Sept
1999. http://splash.metrokc.gov/wlr/PI/releaf_info.htm. 24 Feb 2000.
- "Sammamish River-124th Street site." Department of Natural Resources.
26 Jul 1999. http://dnr.metrokc.gov/wlr/PI/HabPart_99/Samm_River.html. 24 Feb
- Vinluan, Frank. "The Sammamish and salmon get some ReLeaf." The
Seattle Times. 5 Oct 1999. http://www.seattle-times.com/news/local/html98/
- fish_19991005.html. 1 Mar 2000.
Photo Sources:
- Sammamish River, Re-Leaf and salmon:
- -Various portions of www.metrokc.gov, including Salmon Month
, 1999 Sammamish ReLeaf Photos,
and Sammamish ReLeaf.
-Riverwalk's Habitat
Project #1.
All other photographs were taken by me and developed commercially.